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To protect, restore and enhance pacific salmonids and their habitat in Nootka Sound, Esperanza Inlet and their contributing watersheds. We aim to achieve this through sustainable, science-based practices.
We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and have over 200 members from all walks of life. The Board meets monthly to discuss conservation, enhancement, restoration, assessment, stewardship and economic development pertaining to Pacific Salmon in the Nootka Sound and Esperanza Inlet areas.

2024 Board of Directors
Kent O'Neill, President
Leigh Stalker Vice President, A&A Trading
Teresa O'Neill, Treasurer
Craig Blackie,
Roger Dunlop, NTC Uu-a-thluk Biologist
Paul Kutz, Western Forest Product
Marcel Miner, GR Streamkeepers
Sarah Fowler, Councillor, Village of Tahsis
Sam Tomkinson, Grieg Seafood
Secretary: Nikki Pichert
Communications: Kira Marshall
Stewardship Coordinator: Vacant
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